Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's All About Genetics

My origin story can be looked at a couple of different ways. There's the optimistic spiritual story, where I was a born a gift to God to my parents during an extremely difficult time (my father had been badly burned in an accident at work and my grandfather had passed away). Then there's the cynical story that I was a funeral baby (I was born 9 months after my grandfather passed away) and that I was an accident since it had been 8 years since my last of 4 sisters was born (fyi, my sisters are all 2 years apart). I typically try to give a balanced take on the two stories, one that isn't to self-aggrandizing and one that isn't too gross (I don't think "funeral baby" is very PC).

My parents go with the former story, as should any parent with any sort of decency. They don't necessarily tie my "gift from god" status with my genetics, though they love to speak to their friends (and to me) about it. From my 20/20 vision to my lack of dental care (no braces), I've been quite fortunate. But unfortunately, this has caused my parents to be overly concerned about the genetics or my future wife.

It's understandable that parents would want their children to find smart, attractive, and generous mates since society dictates that those traits will make a person happy. My parents like to take things a little bit further (I'm going to refuse to label them as Nazis). My parents would prefer a girl of a decent height, good vision and big eyes to go along with the "smart attractive and generous" traits that normal parents prefer.

Obviously I don't really adhere to their wishes. I'm not a super rebellious child. [In fact my sister says I turned out exactly how my parents wanted me to turn out (I disagree, designer hoodies and a film degree were never part of the plans.)] I just find it hard enough to find someone to have good conversation with, that I'm not going to go through a checklist for a mate. Do we get along? Do I think you'll one day stab me with a fork? These are the things that I worry about, and honestly are the cornerstone of any romantic relationship. The rest of the pieces will fall into place.

It's okay. I was never wired to lead a master race anyways. I don't have the cut throat attitude for it. I'll just have to settle for being married one day, hopefully happy. Of course neither of those things are guaranteed because neither of them seem to be tied to our genetics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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